Sunday, February 26, 2012


There were only two things about this week that I didn't like: my exam on Tuesday, and the grade that I got on that exam. Other than that, this week was a blast. It was a shorter week since President's Day was on Monday, but the week felt jam packed with its ups and even its downs.

I spent most of the weekend after Pow Wow last week studying... I'm usually okay with studying, but I really hated studying this time around and I don't know why. This was reflected on my REALLY poor performance on my exam on Tuesday. I literally cried. After the exam, we "celebrated" finishing the exam and "Mardi Gras" at Bale, a restaurant/bar on campus. In the "intstagrams" below, I got the one closest to the camera, a blue moon, and going clockwise is new castle, then tokyo tea, and an amf. Fat Tuesday also equals Malasada Day, so when I got back to the apt, my roommates and I went to Leonard's Bakery to get some malasadas after dinner.

On Thursday and Friday, I had no class because they were my off days for my Mental Health rotation, so what did I do? On Thursday, I went shopping! Maybe I'll post my purchases later? The peel off facial mask (below) I got as sample and once I tried it, I fell in love, so I had to get the full sized tube. I also bought some new shoes, and underwear from Victoria's Secret. I also have some kind of obsession with pens, so I got more pens. Friday was a more focused day, I stayed in all day and studied, studied, studied. I also played some COD, but hey, what can I say?

The week ended at Cafe Duck Butt for my friend's 22nd birthday! Cafe Duck Butt is a Korean karaoke bar in a sketchy alley way in town, but it was a blast. We started the night in the main restaurant area for dinner at 8, and we got some Melona Soju on the house! It was delicious. Reservations are key to getting a private room, I called in for a reservation on Tuesday and the earliest I could get a room was at 10. I guess a week in advance is best because I'm totally coming here again. I'll save the rest for a later post with more pictures.

Regarding the 8th picture of the year, I chose "time" as the theme, because it seemed I had not enough time, and more than enough time this week. Time management is such a key characteristic to have these days. Technology consumes us, but when you take time to get away from all of that, you have all the time in the world. This week was key in showing me that. All the moments spent online or on my laptop went by really quickly. The time spent offline and out and about went by at the right pace and I was able to enjoy myself, the surroundings and the different company. I'd love if it if I could get offline more often, but everything is so computer based, especially school work, even trying to get these posts in on time, :P

Other than that, enjoy my collection of old school Casio watches! :)

"The Hundreds" stickers, fuel, amazing face mask, malasada day, drinks at Bale, Cafe Duck Butt karaoke

Monday, February 20, 2012

Los Chaparros Mexican Restaurant

Helloooo new favorite Mexican Restaurant.

After Pow Wow on Saturday, my brother, his girlfriend, and I went to Los Chaparros Mexican Restaurant, and it was an amazing choice. Legit mexican restaurant, run by mexican people, and a beautiful bathroom. If I was a yelper, I'd give them a 4.5/5, but only because we waited an hour to get seated and to get our food.

For our appetizer, we got a Chipotle Chicken Chingalinga, which are like tiny chimichangas. For dinner, I got a chicken chimichanga with rice and beans, and the others got burritoes, my brothers was as big as his face. Once we got the food, we scarfed it down, and I conceived a food baby. All their plates have little mexican flags on them.

On the way home, and once I got home, I crashed from the deliciousness/oiliness of it all. I'm definitely going to go again, maybe try the burritos, the carne asada, or enchiladas.

Pow Wow


The event involved more than 30 artists who created murals and pieces around Honolulu. It's a week long event and ends with a “black out” session where most of the pieces created for the event will be painted over "to reinforce the importance of process in art".

Most of the murals were around Kakaako, but on this day (Saturday), another event was taking place making it too busy to try and browse the rest of it (sooo, looking forward to next year). At the loft, where the main "get-together" took place, there were a couple of live-art sessions and a pop-up shop and music and lots of people, cool cameras, and fun. I wish I brought a wider angled lens because the area was a tight fit, not enough room to get around with a 50mm, now I know.

It's an event I'll look forward to next year. For more information, check out their website!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Valentine's week! All my roommates have boyfriends, and they all received something from their significant other. It was bittersweet, I love the day and the flowers and the love, it's just the single part of it that I don't like.

Nothing special happened on valentine's but on Friday, my roommate and friend ate out at California Pizza Kitchen. We caught the weekly Friday fireworks show that can be seen from the mall. At CPK, I had some Garlic Cream Fettuccine (i love my garlic). We also had some Red Velvet Cake as well, so delicious.

On Saturday, I went with my brother and his girlfriend to Pow Wow at Fresh Cafe, somewhat of an art show (separate post), then had some delicious Mexican food. And today, my mom brought home some Pho. I haven't eaten so healthy these past few days, that needs to change.

This week Lent begins...

(rawr, garlic, pow wow)


This week, one word - busy. Applications, appointments, papers, tests, work, hustle, and bustle. The craziness still continues. At the end of the week I had some time to relax and I really wanted to make the most out of it, which explains the late update. It was worth it and I really wish I could be relaxing right now, but I have an exam on Tuesday *sad face*.

I watched The Vow on its opening night and I was such a big old cry baby, I guess the movies are a soft spot for me. The movie was okay, I felt it was missing something at the end, it felt a bit rushed.

(waiting for a shuttle, friday night)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Two Naked

I recently purchased the new Naked 2 Palette, and I'm already in love! I'm not a big fan of lip gloss so I have yet to try it out, but the color looks like a really nice deep pink/purple?

I focused on different parts of the palette to focus on the colors I'm looking forward to using. Bootycall seems like a really nice highlighting color. And chopper, no words to describe it -- it's the perfect amount of shiny, so it's totally something I could use everyday. I'm glad they added a matte black to the mix, which I can use a softer liner. And the greys are great colors aside from the purples that were on the first palette. Half Baked is the only color that are on both palettes. I think I'll be using the first naked palette when I'm heading out, and the naked 2 as an everyday palette. The case seems really durable and will hold out if I bring it with me everywhere I go for touch-ups and whatnot. Looking forward to using it!


It's already February, 2012 is going by too fast! I played around with my lens adapter to use some lenses from my Diana F+. I wish the fisheye was more pronounced, but I think it would work better with landscape photos. I shall try that out soon. As you can see, I'm pretty much booked for the month. This coming week is especially busy with internship applications, exams, and long days. I hope I don't burn out! So let's see... this week I went to an epigenetics presentation on the effects of pregnancy, went shopping for my brother's birthday gift (a spoiled brother he is), had some weekly sushi with my roommate, and got the new Naked2 Palette (albeit, I'm about 2 months late)! My to-do list is still a never ending list from hell, and there are so many things on my plate at the moment. I'm really hoping the internship/co-op programs are in my line of sight since the turn around times are so tight, and next think we know, interviews are being announced, and it's summer. 5 weeks down, 47 weeks to go!

(view; butterflies at NM; naked2 palette)