Sunday, February 5, 2012


It's already February, 2012 is going by too fast! I played around with my lens adapter to use some lenses from my Diana F+. I wish the fisheye was more pronounced, but I think it would work better with landscape photos. I shall try that out soon. As you can see, I'm pretty much booked for the month. This coming week is especially busy with internship applications, exams, and long days. I hope I don't burn out! So let's see... this week I went to an epigenetics presentation on the effects of pregnancy, went shopping for my brother's birthday gift (a spoiled brother he is), had some weekly sushi with my roommate, and got the new Naked2 Palette (albeit, I'm about 2 months late)! My to-do list is still a never ending list from hell, and there are so many things on my plate at the moment. I'm really hoping the internship/co-op programs are in my line of sight since the turn around times are so tight, and next think we know, interviews are being announced, and it's summer. 5 weeks down, 47 weeks to go!

(view; butterflies at NM; naked2 palette)

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