Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lack of Substance

I feel like there has been or there is a lack of substance in this blog. I want to be able to look at this, and just see something consistent. So, with that said, I present you with a rough blog schedule. Rough being said because it can always change. It's not like I spend all my days on the computer. Some days I won't have time to write one of these, and some days I might decide to write more than one blog.

Blog Schedule (updated July 18, 2010)

Sunday - Family Movie Night
Monday - #musicmonday (music video or mp3)
Tuesday - OPEN
Wednesday - OPEN
Thursday - Food/Breakfast post
Friday - Fridays Featured Film
Saturday - Lists (to-do, shopping, life)

'OPEN' posts are designated for posts that have nothing to do with a movie night, music, food, a featured film, or lists. More often they will be posts about what I've purchased recently or want to purchase, an article I wanted to share in full detail, an image post of day's events, an image post of a subject, nail art, or links I'd love to share. Maybe a combo of all of the above.

These are all subject to change.

So here's to hoping that I can keep up with this schedule. Doesn't look too hard, but it is easier said than done...

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