Thursday, July 15, 2010

Greek Strained Yogurt

Say hello to the new Thursday post. Forget seeing recipes on here, it's not like I actually come across recipes that often, and if I do, I
might post it. And so you have it, breakfast. Or any meal, really. I'm only saying breakfast because there are a few times during the week, like today, when no one is home to make a snark comment about me taking pictures of my food and because I tend to only eat a breakfast and dinner. My lunch consists of snacking on carrots, or eating a fruit. Yeah, that's what I call a diet, and it's been working. I've lost 7 pounds, miraculously. The above picture isn't mine, but the next two are.

My mom, dad, and I took a trip to Costco the other day with the intent of picking up bread, milk, and orange juice while waiting for my mom's car to be done with at the Tire Center there. Of course, it didn't pan out that way, and we ended up buying a shit load more than expected.

It wasn't a bad thing though because I was able to pick up things for myself, which included things for breakfast! We got a lot, but for this breakfast I picked up Greek Yogurt (which is different than regular yogurt in that it's more concentrated and has more protein in it because whey is removed during the processing), strawberries, granola (good ol' flax seed), cranberry juice, and orange juice. You can't see the yogurt in the pictures, because I buried it with the granola, and strawberries, but it's there. The juice is just a mix of cranberry and orange juice with optional pulp.

A good breakfast is always a good start to your day, so always try to fit it in, even thought it may be just a breakfast bar and a cup of coffee or orange juice. Regarding the first picture, I really wish my reliable point and shoot could take such a great picture, but my plan of purchasing a DSLR camera has been put on hold for about 2 years now. Retail Therapy just kills me. Hopefully I find a job that can fulfill my camera and 50mm lens needs.

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