Friday, July 16, 2010

Fridays Featured Film: Apricot

I've come across a new aspect that I'd love to add to this blog, and that aspect happens to be documentaries, youtube videos, short films, films, or just movies in general. And so, comes the the new weekly feature: Fridays Featured Film.

The first of this feature: Apricot

The tagline to the film is: A chance encounter between a mysterious man and a beautiful woman soon becomes deeply personal. The genius behind the film is no other than Ben Briandd who had written and directed the film, and stars Ewen Leslie, and Laura Gordon. All other information can be found here, as well as at his website.

The reason why I started off this new feature with Apricot is because I stumbled upon it just yesterday and it completely blew my mind. I love/loved everything about it. From beginning to end, I was captivated at a completely new level. I'm no cinematography junkie (though I wouldn't mind), but the bokeh to the unsteady hand at the end, and the script - amazing.

I've already watched it a few times, but I will be sure to watch it another two or three times once I'm done with this post.

Now, I've come across so many other short films and documentaries, so there is no doubt that there will be more of these posts. Having netflix is a great plus because when I have absolutely nothing else to do, I always turn to a night in and enjoy the free streaming. Until tomorrow.

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