Sunday, January 29, 2012


This first full week of classes was actually quite enjoyable. Everything worked out better than expected. I got my application in for an internship just on time, clinicals this week was challenging but refreshing, i got my sushi, and I lost 5 lbs. Took a bunch of naps this week, with one nap being rudely interrupted by a fire alarm. Actually got to work twice this week, compared to the zero times last week, so my paycheck won't look that depressing. The roommates and I had some wine in the middle of the week because my roommate got new wine glasses and we all just needed to cool down for a bit, even though I worked on an essay while drinking it. Looking forward to next week. :)

(feet pictures, sculptures, wine)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Carpe Diem

I love this guy's lettering, and I love this quote. If I ever get a tattoo, this would be it.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


I've been quite obsessed with my hand-me-down 50mm lens, so that explains the bokeh.

Class orientations continued this week and it was a good refresher on the work load that I should be expecting soon enough. The upcoming week is our first actual full week of normalcy (or what normal is according to this 4th semester of nursing). Every day this week was a full day, Wednesday and Thursday starting at 7 and ending at 330 or later. Had to wake up at around 430 to start the day and didn't finish up until 330. Needless to say, I took my share of (3 hour) naps.

I decided to share a picture of this snowflake because Hawaii's version of winter came to a quick end and the hot and humid weather is back, not to say we had any snowflakes in the first place, though. The picture also gives out an idea of my location for most of the day if not in class or at the hospital, my desk. My setup is quite different from the last time I posted about it, so I might just post an update on that.

In the mean time...

(art installations around campus; late night parking structure walks)
(owl USB; vermicelli noodles with chicken and spring rolls; thai tea)

Sunday, January 15, 2012


It's been a good two weeks into the new year. School started, and although it seems like it'll be a busy semester, my roommate and I agreed to try and make our social life go up instead of down. We planned to take a healthy step toward a healthier body and agreed to go running/to the gym more often. We also agreed go to our university's athletics games, since we are paying for them out of our tuition. And of course, fit some partying and drinks into the mix.

On a separate note, I do wish instagram will speed up the release of their Android app, it just makes taking pictures so much funner and I would probably do it more often than lugging around my dslr. If not, I'll have to wait until November to get the iPhone (5?).

For this week's picture, I decided to share my latest purchase - a 15" MacBook Pro. Initially, my parents were supposed to get it for me as a gift, since they are taking my old MacBook to the Philippines and giving it to my relatives there, but the decision took a turn, and I ended up financing it and getting my first credit card. Yay or nay? Now it's time to pay it all off.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


A picture (or a few) a week for 52 weeks. 2012 is off to a great start, and I have a lot to look forward to. Although the upcoming semester will be a a busy one, I hope this project will make life a little funner and keep me around these grounds more often. Cheers to the new year, hopefully not our last.