Wednesday, April 11, 2012


This easter was a blessed one. I've never felt so much closer to God than I have this past week. On Friday, I joined my roommate and some friends to attend a service on The Passion. On Sunday, I went to church to witness baptisms and spent the rest of the day at my cousin's house with the rest of the family. Many dogs (even a stray labrador), eggs (a military man and clown), and food (lots of it). Here are some pictures:

About my weekly updates, I'll get to those soon! Hang tight!

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Every since First Friday, I've been yearning to go out again and wear my heels! Soon enough, hopefully. I have a bunch of heels, but the opportunities to wear them are rare.

In other news, I caved and joined pinterest, and I'm not sure if that was a good idea. It's soo addicting! Earlier this week, my tax return came in and my bank account is slowly on the rise to what it once was! Which is such a great thing!

For class, my roommate and I went to an AA meeting, and a SLAA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous), which was such a great experience. Many different stories and ways to overcome hardships in life! Maybe I'll post some of those insights later.

My parents also left for the Philippines this week, after two flight delays, and got to the Philippines safe and sound. I hope they bring me back some goodies!

This week also marked KONY 2012. Turns out the guy got arrested this week for public indecency and public masturbation. Not so sure about my support for the invisible children now. The story is really blurred and hard to make sense of.

That was just a quick summary of my week. :)
(monnayy; waikiki sunset; friday night pho; misspelt; pinterest; kony2012)

Sunday, March 11, 2012


This post is coming in late, and it's still coming in at an awkward time because I have a big exam this week, but I couldn't push it any longer.

I liked this 9th week. I guess I could call it the week before the storm? There was a lot of time to relax, and also a lot of time to have fun. It's already March, so the pace of this year is going a little too fast for comfort. Everything is just passing by and I still have so many things to do before summer starts. I got a call from the coordinator for this internship I applied for, so now it's the waiting game. I have papers and exams coming up, I have appointments and things happening, that it's getting hard to keep track of.

In terms of fun, my roommate and I had an acai week and went out to eat some acai bowls multiple times. There were a few pick me ups throughout the day, and at the end of the week, I got some sushi and I celebrated the first Friday of the months with some friends.

Every first Friday of the month, there's a block party in China town where you drink, have fun, meet new people, and maybe look at some art. If I had it my way, it would've been a tad funner... my roommate made the mistake of bringing a 19 year old, so we weren't able to do much but stick with the underage crowd. We did however get into one bar, but only because I snuck her in. But hey, there's nine more first Fridays in the year. The next first is after Spring Break, but we have another exam coming up around that time, so we'll see how that goes.

In the end, I liked this week. There's a first time for everything, but I hope the saying "first is the worst, second is the best" applies in this case.

(take what you need; acai; to-do)

Sunday, February 26, 2012


There were only two things about this week that I didn't like: my exam on Tuesday, and the grade that I got on that exam. Other than that, this week was a blast. It was a shorter week since President's Day was on Monday, but the week felt jam packed with its ups and even its downs.

I spent most of the weekend after Pow Wow last week studying... I'm usually okay with studying, but I really hated studying this time around and I don't know why. This was reflected on my REALLY poor performance on my exam on Tuesday. I literally cried. After the exam, we "celebrated" finishing the exam and "Mardi Gras" at Bale, a restaurant/bar on campus. In the "intstagrams" below, I got the one closest to the camera, a blue moon, and going clockwise is new castle, then tokyo tea, and an amf. Fat Tuesday also equals Malasada Day, so when I got back to the apt, my roommates and I went to Leonard's Bakery to get some malasadas after dinner.

On Thursday and Friday, I had no class because they were my off days for my Mental Health rotation, so what did I do? On Thursday, I went shopping! Maybe I'll post my purchases later? The peel off facial mask (below) I got as sample and once I tried it, I fell in love, so I had to get the full sized tube. I also bought some new shoes, and underwear from Victoria's Secret. I also have some kind of obsession with pens, so I got more pens. Friday was a more focused day, I stayed in all day and studied, studied, studied. I also played some COD, but hey, what can I say?

The week ended at Cafe Duck Butt for my friend's 22nd birthday! Cafe Duck Butt is a Korean karaoke bar in a sketchy alley way in town, but it was a blast. We started the night in the main restaurant area for dinner at 8, and we got some Melona Soju on the house! It was delicious. Reservations are key to getting a private room, I called in for a reservation on Tuesday and the earliest I could get a room was at 10. I guess a week in advance is best because I'm totally coming here again. I'll save the rest for a later post with more pictures.

Regarding the 8th picture of the year, I chose "time" as the theme, because it seemed I had not enough time, and more than enough time this week. Time management is such a key characteristic to have these days. Technology consumes us, but when you take time to get away from all of that, you have all the time in the world. This week was key in showing me that. All the moments spent online or on my laptop went by really quickly. The time spent offline and out and about went by at the right pace and I was able to enjoy myself, the surroundings and the different company. I'd love if it if I could get offline more often, but everything is so computer based, especially school work, even trying to get these posts in on time, :P

Other than that, enjoy my collection of old school Casio watches! :)

"The Hundreds" stickers, fuel, amazing face mask, malasada day, drinks at Bale, Cafe Duck Butt karaoke