Thursday, July 22, 2010

First Birthday Brunch

A couple of days ago, I attended a first birthday brunch/lunch at the Hale Koa hotel down south in the tourist city of Hawaii. The celebration took place outside in an area that would have suited a luau rather than a first birthday party. The party came equipped with a moon-bounce, candy, balloon animals, and air brushed tattoos. All that you would expect at a first birthday party here in Hawaii.
The lunch was average, with the fixings that a hotel catering service could arrange. My plate was filled with fruits, a salad, and the fixings to make a delectable sub/sandwich as well as a few mediocre choices. I didn't finish it all, sadly. The fish that you see furthest to the right was smoked, that I didn't know, and that I didn't like. The fish at the top of my plate was a bit bland. The greek salad towards the left had a little bit too many herbs/spices. The bottom half of the plate was heartily eaten; as for the top half, I only really enjoyed the sandwich I made out of the cold cuts, cheese, and the bread.The meat with the gravy atop was about the 3rd best piece on my plate.

After lunch, we sat around and watched the little kids partake in a bunch of activities. My brother and I talked about the movie Inception that recently came out. He called it one of the best movies of the year, and I have yet to see it! I just haven't found time to go to the theater lately. When the party was near over, we decided to take some pictures out on the lawn. Everything looked so green
and fresh.

My mom:
We got out at about 12:30 (the party started at 10) and the sun was pretty high up, and so were the temperatures and so explains the squinting.
My dad had to use the bathroom for the last picture, which explains why he wasn't there. We went home afterward; I relaxed for the rest of the day.

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